What Are You Waiting For?

I recently wrote about my intentions for 2012, which included more fun and planning for some big trips now that my baby is getting bigger. The last couple years have been incredibly busy and a mix of joy and stress, so I’m feeling the need for greater focus on what brings me happiness. Among other things, a sense of adventure is calling me, asking me to challenge routine and delve into the new or exciting.

If I could pack my bags and go anywhere, it would be to Italy. I wonder how my impressions will be different this time, now that I’m no longer the impressionable 20-something who wanted to make Florence a second home. I long to explore its art again, seeing the colors and lines in person. And I can’t wait to see how we might be able to mingle with locals after hearing how Italians gush over children.

Italy collage

So instead of just daydreaming, maybe this is the year to do it. What am I waiting for? The perfect time?

I should have already learned that the perfect time doesn’t exist.

I also recently wrote about the constant pull for change and movement that is part of my nature. I have a wonderful job here but am always learning and trying new things. I have big plans for my blog that include many small things, like changes to the design and advertising, and big things, namely the second site I have been wanting to launch for some time (can we say exciting?! Stay tuned!). And I haven’t even mentioned all the other things I’ve been planning to do, from taking long walks to restarting my meditation practice and spending quality time with my precious children, friends, and family.

Instead of waiting until summer vacation when I will have lots of time, what if I devoted a few minutes a day to making some changes now?

What are we waiting for? The perfect time doesn’t exist. The time is now.

What changes have you been planning to make? What are you waiting for?

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  1. i love the idea of taking a few minutes a day to feed your need for adventure. it doesn’t mean you have to actively plan a trip, but poking around getting ideas will help that trip come together.

    i’m also getting the itch to travel – maybe because summer is right around the corner or i’m finding more confidence in my parenting – whatever. i think ruby is going to make an excellent travel companion. she’s already got a passport!

    this summer i think day trips around sacramento, going to the coast, seeing the bay area (escaping the heat) and hopefully a longer stay in portland.

    i do hope you go to italy – i want to read all about it.

    1. says: Jenna

      I think I share your reasons for having the itch to travel– with the warmer weather and feeling more at ease taking the little one out, it starts to call. I actually am finding it hard to go out with Gabriel right now. He cries a lot in the carseat. Not fun 🙁 And I agree about the fun planning a trip– I LOVE to do it but get disappointed when the plans don’t come together because of other factors.

  2. says: Jodi

    I keep asking myself the same question: “What am I waiting for?” However, that question is not about anything as exciting as a trip to Italy or a new blog site. I have been putting off having hip surgery for years because I have not come across the perfectly convenient time. Now I am at the point where every step brings me pain, and I have minimal range of motion with my left leg. Is now a good time to take the plunge and get it taken care of? Probably not, as I have a 6-year-old and a 1-year-old to chase after. On the other hand, if I do not take care of my hip, I am limiting what I can do with my two precious girls. There is my answer. The rehab might be inconvenient for a few weeks, but in the long term, hip replacement surgery will bring me a better quality of life with my family.
    For most things we want to do in life, there never is a perfect time. Many times we want to wait until we have enough money to get married, to have kids, to move somewhere new, but we will often find that if we take the chance, everything will work out, and it will be worth it in the end.

    1. says: Jenna

      Jodi, I completely agree that there is never the perfect time– when I had Noah, I wasn’t totally sure it was the right time to have kids. I’m so happy we finally took the plunge. I had no idea about your hip. It sounds like you will be much better off after the surgery, so do it and soon it will be a distant memory. Best of luck with it!

  3. Ah my changes!! Too many to announce. I am making changes to the blog design and layout. I am thinking more about my future. I have HUGE plans for the upcoming year. And right now, I am very excited.

    Like you, I’ve really contemplated my future a little more. I am not sure if I am ready to take the risks yet. We should motivate each other a little more! I think both of us have big ideas and I know for me, I really need to be a lot more disciplined in getting things done and being focused. I am excited and nervous about this year but I really need to sit down and make these big things happen.

    I just celebrated a blog birthday and looked back over the last year. I set up HUGE goals for this next year (maybe too big!) but look forward to what is ahead.

    1. says: Jenna

      I am not surprised to see that you have lots of changes on the horizon because you’re always up to something. I’ll help motivate you anytime you need it! Think about how much you were able to accomplish this year, and I’m sure that will motivate you to see what you can do this coming year! Best of luck, Jeremy.

  4. Great post. It reminds me of a quote I came across a few days ago.

    “If you wait to do everything until you’re sure its right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.”
    -Win Borden

    Even if it’s just little things, today is always a good day to start. 🙂

  5. says: Ted Nguyen

    I do believe that certain things are meant to happen. And you were destined to be in Florence, Italy in November. I’m so excited to join you as an official member of Team Florens to cover the activities as part of #Florens2012.

    I’ve been to Italy twice, but never made to Florence. I’ve always regretted not visiting the cultural heart of Italy. So I’m beyond thrilled that I too am supposed to be in Florence in November.

    Can’t wait to meet you and the rest of the team!


    1. says: Jenna

      I am so excited, too! And it really was crazy that I am going to Florence this year when I honestly dreamt of going but never believed it would happen. As I will write about soon, the circumstances could not be better for me…it will be a wonderful way for me to explore themes related to my work while also expanding my blogging horizons. 🙂

  6. I’m glad I came across this post. There is no better time like the present. I’m planning to take a RTW trip and have made significant changes in the past nine months. One of them is transitioning to a life of minimalism. While I’m mindful of the economy and this being an election year, there really is no perfect time to start than now.

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